For those of you that know me, will know that I have had a love affair with Mr. Waits that has run for almost five years now - and shows little sign of letting up. Bone Machine marks the fourteenth Tom Waits album in my collection, and I now found myself wondering why it has taken me so long to own it. Released on Island Records in 1992, I believe it is one of the great man's best (not that I like to choose favourites). It is the perfect mix of Waits' more eccentric leanings, and the slower balladry that so many love him for. I think it is probably his most accessible album since things took a strange, but cool, turn on Swordfishtrombones. Whether you like 70's TomWaits ot 80's Tom Waits (or have no idea what the difference is), Bone Machine is a fanastic album for those familiar with him, or a great starting point for those not yet fortunate enough to have Tom Waits in the life. Guests on the album include Les Claypool from Primus and Keith Richards.
Nov 28, 2006
Tom Waits - Bone Machine (1992)
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9:15 AM