If it is rock you want, then it is rock you shall have! Hailing from Melbourne Rock City, The Casanovas carry on a tradition that can be traced all the way back to the first chords Angus Young strummed on AC/DC's classic first album, High Voltage. The Casanovas bring the same unabashedly rock'n'roll riffery that causes audiences the world to bow down and give thanks at the altar of all things rock. With song titles such as Livin' In The City, No Time For Love, and the awesome, Shake It, when it comes to The Casanovas, what you see is what you get: high octane, good time, balls to the wall rock'n'roll. Released in Australia in 2004 on the ever great Rubber Records, with a recent release in America via IRock, The Casanovas self-titled debut establishes them as purveyors of some of the finest rock riffs on offer at this point in time, with a firm grasp on the rock'n'roll torch that burns eternal. The albums closing track, 10 Outta 10, while a perfect summation of the album as a whole, is already a live favorite, and has a sing-a-long chorus that begs to be played at ear splitting levels. Consider yourself warned.
Check out: www.myspace.com/thecasanovas
Nov 28, 2006
The Casanovas - The Casanovas (2004)
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10:27 AM