If you like your pop in the vein of Pet Sounds (for those of you who don't know - and I hope there aren't many of you - Pet Sounds is the Brian Wilson led Beach Boys classic), and definitely to the left of centre, you will like In Case We Die. Don't be fooled by the somewhat dark title - there is an underlying happiness to these songs, that at times will have you bouncing around the room - or perhaps it is isimply I who bounces around the room. Some songs, such as Do The Whirlwind, are just down right funky. Any band that includes instruments such as a sytar, cello, bassoon, guitar, drums, tuba, marimba, vibraphone, and hand and power tools is alright by me. The fact that there is a theremin in there as well, is just the icing on the cake - really nice icing.
Nov 28, 2006
Architecture In Helsinki - In Case We Die (2005)
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9:14 AM