As you may be able to guess from the title, this album is a little bit 'out-there'. However, it is 'out-there' in a really good way. I bought Advice From The Happy Hippopotamus back in April of this year, and have found myself returning to it constantly since then. It has worked its was into my psyche, planted itself under my skin, and has become one of my favourite records of 2006.
Cloud Cult is a collective of musicians, based around the eccentric song-writing talents of one Craig Minnowa. The music they make is playful, poignant, life-affirming, sad, boisterous, and pretty. Across the twenty-three tracks on this album, there is a quite a lot of genre-hopping, although it is quite safe to say that, for the most part, it is rooted in the kind of eccentric pop-rock made by the likes of The Flaming Lips and others. Comparisons are odious, however, as Cloud Cult have a sound that is all their own. Transistor Radio is, for me, one of the stand-out tracks on the album. It is a beautiful track that always reminds me of a Jonathan Safran Foer novel (particulary, Extremely Close And Incredibly Loud, which happens to be my favourite novel of 2006). Other favourites from the album include What Comes At The End and The Man Jumped Out The Window, although each and every song has a way of attaching itself to you.
As they release albums on their own label, Earthology Records (, and have little or no marketing budget to speak of, it would be very easy for this album to slip between the cracks. However, people have been taking notice, because it is an album full of wonderful songs, created by people who truly care about their art. Plus, it is the sort of album that just makes you feel good. It would be well worth your time and money to seek Advice From The Happy Hippopotamus, you won't be disappointed with what he has to say.
Check Out:
Dec 8, 2006
Cloud Cult - Advice From The Happy Hippopotamus (2005)
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10:45 AM
Dec 1, 2006
Tom Waits - Orphans [Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards] (2006)
If you are looking for an objective review of Tom Waits' latest 3-disc album, Orphans, I suggest that you stop reading and look elsewhere. In my humble opinion, Tom Waits is a musical genius, one of the greatest songwriters of all time, and quite possibly, the coolest person on the planet. As I expected, Orphans serves to reinforce my opinion.
Tom Waits has had a long and varied recording career, dating back to his first release, Closing Time, in 1973. Orphans serves as an almost complete overview of his career, however, it does so using new (30) and rare (24) tracks, as opposed to a 'greatest-hits' collection of his previous album songs. Orphans is comprisedof a total of 54 tracks spread over 3 discs. Each of the 3 disc's titles (Brawler, Bawlers, Bastards), giving an indication of the type of Waits songs we will find on each.
Brawlers displays the more raucous, juke joint, blues stomp, rockin' side of Waits' multi-faceted musical persona. In addition to great new tracks, such as Lie To Me, LowDown and Bottom Of The World, there are also covers of The Ramones and bluesman Leadbelly. One of the most interesting tracks is the poignant Road To Piece, which uses the conflict between Israel and Palestine as its subject matter.
Bawlers reflects Waits' time as a blooze-soaked, love lorn, troubadour. I dare say that fans of 1970's Tom Waits who were unable to make the leap with him into his more experimental days, will be able to find solace in this disk. Long Way Home, which first appeared on the soundtrack of Big Bad Love and has since been covered by Norah Jones, is a touching song of devotion, as only Waits could pen. Bend Down The Branches and You Can Never Hold Back Spring are what Waits' wife (and creative partner) would call Grand Weepers, and set the mood of this disc early in the piece. Comprising twenty tracks, there are a number of gems on the Bawlers disc, of which Never Let Go and Waits' cover of Young At Heart are just two more.
Bastards is a particular treat! This disc will appeal to both long-time Waits fans, and those who are fans of left-off-centre, odd-ballism. The disc is comprised of both songs and a number of spoken word pieces. Some of the spoken word pieces are extremely touching, such as the Bukowski tale of a young, lonely man riding a bus through North Carolina (Nirvana); while some are rather disturbing in true Waitsian fashion (Army Ants, Children's Story). Much the same could be said of the songs. One of the songs I particular like, is Dog Door, which first appeard on Sparklehorse's 2001 album, It's A Wonderful Life. One of the other standout songs, is the bastradization of Disney's Heigh Ho. In Waits' hands, it doesn't sound so much seven dwarves, as diamond slaves in the Sierra Leone. Needless to say, it would frighten small children.
It is difficult to do justice to any Tom Waits release, particularly one of this excellence and breadth. The music is excellent, and the packaging of the limited edition release (with a 90+ page booklet) is outstanding, if for the rare photos alone. If you know and love Tom Waits, you need this album. If you are looking for an introduction, this is probably the best place to start. If you don't like Tom Waits, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your stance.
Check Out:
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12:17 PM
Nov 30, 2006
A Message From In(High)Fidelity
All the posts that follow this one, consist of pieces that were written at different times, over the prior eighteen months. Therefore, while the page tells you that the pieces were posted here in November 2006, they could have been written at any time between June of 2005 and November 2006. I simply point this out so that no-one is confused. Perhaps I have only caused more confusion. It doesn't really matter.... More music, maestro!
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3:54 PM
Say Hi To Your Mom - Impeccable Blahs (2006)
I bought this album a couple of months ago, and have not been able to stop listening to it since. Actually, I bought the album without having heard any of the band's music, however, I had seen the name around town and thought that with a moniker like Say Hi To Your Mom, it couldn't be bad. I love buying music that way from time to time, especially when the music turns out to be this damn good. Say Hi To Your Mom is a three piece from Brooklyn, although to my understanding, Eric Elbogen (guitar, vocals, synth, etc.) is the brainchild behind their very cool sound, and is, at present, the only member of the band. In the liner notes, the album is described as thus: "A record about vampires. Not creepy, goth vampires but rather people just like you and me who happen to get their nourishment from drinking blood." True to their word, this album is about vampires, however, the lyrics and the music (think along the lines of New Order guitars and synth sounds) are so catchy and playful, that these are the type of vampires that you would feel comfortable snuggling up with on a cold winters night. Vampires are people too. Impeccable Blahs is one of those albums that is immediately likeable and should appeal to people of varying musical tastes. In addition, it is the type of album that suits various moods and situations, which is probably why I have been able to listen to it so much. Standout tracks on the album include These Fangs, Snowcones And Puppies, and the quietly awesome She Just Happens To Date The Prince Of Darkness. This album comes with my highest recommendation, and will definitely be high on my Best Of 2006 list.
Check Out:
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3:36 PM
The Decemberists - Her Majesty (2003)
Always being one step behind the cool people, just as the music world was preparing itself for the release of The Decemberists latest album - The Crane Wife - in October, I was just discovering the band's second album, Her Majesty, relased way back in 2003. Sometimes it can be good to be a little behind the pace. Her Majesty is a fantastic album, full of great tunes and great stories. That is The Decemberists' thing - or more so their leader, Colin Meloy's thing - they seem to write short stories that are set to music, more so than 'songs'. These story songs are all originals, however, they seem as if they could come from a different time, just as easily as this one. Dare I say, they are.... timeless. No, I probably shouldn't say that, because I'm pretty sure I heard that word used to describe Michael Bolton's latest album of Frank Sinatra covers. Here is a story that may go some way in describing what I hear when I listen to Her Majesty, by The Decemberists:
The year is 1803, and I have been convicted of stealing a loaf of bread from a baker in Baker Street, London. I am being transported to a convict ship, upon which I will be sent to Australia. As we near the dock, we pass a pub that is full to capacity with all the sorts you would expect to frequent an English pub in 1803: Dock workers, cutthroats, prostitutes, buxom waitresses who will freshen your drink, guv'nor. Everybody is three sheets to the wind and having a grand old time. There is a band in the corner singing shanties and folk songs about Chimbley Sweeps, The Solidiering Life, and your Red Right Ankle (which brings a tear to my eye). The song they are playing comes to an end, and someone yells "Play on, The Decemberists!" The last music I ever hear, before dying of scurvy on that dreaded convict ship, is that of The Decemberists.
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3:34 PM
Common Market - Common Market (2006)
This album may be a little difficult to track down - unless you are lucky enough to live in the Pacific Northwest - however, it would be well worth your time (I ordered the CD from I am well aware that hiphop is not everybody's cup of tea, however, Common Market have crafted fourteen tracks of back-to-basics (one DJ, one MC), old-skool, positive vibe hip-hop that beg to be listened, and bounced, to. To describe Common Market as 'back-to-basics' may be somewhat unjust, however, as the production on this album is second to none, as are the samples that have been used to construct this gem. Furthermore, the rhyme skills of Ra Scion (Sabzi works production and DJ duties) are up there with the best in the business. The lyrical content focusses more-or-less on telling it how it is, whether it is the state of hiphop in 2006, the state of politics and the need for change, or the state of male-female relations. This album does not have any pretension. It is basically two extremely talented hiphop heads pooling their talent to create something that is not only both musically and lyrically upbeat, but with tracks such as Connect For and Every Last One, is also carries a message of empowerment. It may seem somewhat preachy in parts, but if this is what goes down at church, I know where I'll be this Sunday. Definitely one of the stand-out hiphop albums of 2006 - the best sounds are coming up from the underground.
Check Out:
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3:32 PM
Dinosaur Jr. - Where You Been (1993 / Reissued 2006)
My love affair with this album, and Dinosaur Jr, began in a far-off time called 1994. I was an impressionable teenager, and had recently been experimenting with substance(s) that were certainly not good for my mental health: baggy jeans, a bright orange Cross-Colours hat, and Kriss Kross. Things were looking grim. Luckily, at that time, my bedroom was next to that of my brother David. I began to hear strange, beautiful noises coming from his stereo. Songs that, for no reason I could pinpoint, picked me up out of my mediocre teen-existence and propelled me to some place better. To say Dinosaur Jr helped me to find myself in the teenage wilderness might be somewhat melodramatic, however, it cannot be denied that, at the very least, they gave me something to hold on to as I swam (sometimes drowned) in the bullshit that is a teenage existence. This album, made at the height of the grunge/alternative music era is a stone-cold classic. Fans of Dinsoaur Jr's earlier (pre-Green Mind) work will often dismiss the latter career albums, however, for the most part, this is due to ridiculous "indie-er than though" attitudes. J Mascis' guitar work on this album, and in general, is jaw-dropping , while his song-writing skills here are at their pinnacle. It is difficult to name favourite tracks, however, What Else Is New would be there, as would Out There and the quieter Going Home. The sixth song on the album, "Get Me, is quite possibly my all-time favourite song. The 2006 reissue of the album is blessed with three extra tracks - the stand-out of which is an amazing eight minute live version of What Else Is New, which is worth the price of admission alone.
Check Out:
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9:25 AM
Mates Of State - Bring It Back (2006)
Mates Of State are a husband and wife duo from San Francisco that have had me smiling for weeks. I was never much one for maths (math for those of you who are American), however, the following equation has recently had me repeatedly pressing repeat: drums + keyboards + two part male/female harmonies = fuzzy, warm goodness. This album contains some of the catchiest, most poptastic (definitely a word) tunes I have heard for a long time. Fraud In The '80s and Beautiful Dreamer are two of my favourite tracks, though that being said, I don't think there is a a weak track in this collection. Basically, this is the type of music that makes you smile, and bob your head from side-to-side without any pretension - even as you sit, trying to describe to your friends what it all sounds like. I take music quite seriously, perhaps more seriously than necessary, however, taking music seriously these days doesn't mean it has to be all dark and depressing. In these troubled times, it is important to be serious about being lighthearted and having fun every once in a while. It isn't all bad!
Check Out:
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9:20 AM
Okkervil River - Down The River Of Golden Dreams (2003)
More than anything, I wish I could be that guy that constantly knows and writes about every new "cool" band in a cynical "I'm-far-too-good-to-listen-to-this-album-let-alone-write-about-it-because-I-could-come-up-with-much-better-music-if-only-I-had-some-musical-talent-and-not-so-big-a-chip-on-my-shoulder-about-what-the-other-kids-said-to-me-at-school-that-made-me-stay-in-my-bedroom-for-the-better-part-of-my-life-with-headphones-on-listening-to-indie-rock-developing-my-fuck-you-I-listen-to-better-music-than-you" attitude, however, I'm not - depending on who you ask. As you read further posts on this blog, you will discover that I have a special affection for Okkervil River. There are album, Black Sheep Boy, knocked my socks off earlier this year, and I was full of rapture when I discovered that it was not their first album. I must admit, a strange feeling came over me as I picked up Down The River Of Golden Dreams. Oh, crap! "How could anything that came before Black Sheep Boy be as good?" I asked myself. "Surely, I am bound to be disappointed!" What a fool I was. Okkervil River, continue to knock me on my arse! This album is outstanding. By the end of songs such as It Ends With A Fall, The War Criminal Rises and Speaks, and Yellow, I find some myself in a state of strange awe, and have to bend down to pick my jaw up off the ground - such is their brilliance. The images that the songs conjure seem so real, that each one feels more like a short-film or a road-trip, perhaps, rather than just words and music. Without the presence of one weak track on this album, Down The River Of Golden Dreams is truly an exceptional album, and you would be doing yourself a grave injustice if you didn't track it down. So says I.
Check Out:
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8:54 AM
The Mountain Goats - Tallahassee (2002)
I bought this album five days ago. It was one of those occasions that I bought three albums at the same time. You know how it is, you buy a few albums, and you try your best to give all of them your utmost attention, however, somehow, it just doesn't work out. You always go back to one or two of the albums repeatedly. I didn't know much about The Mountain Goats before I bought this album. I still don't. I knew that I liked one of the songs, as I had heard it on KEXP - in my opinion, the best radio station in America (check out, if you don't live in Seattle; 90.3 on your FM dial for those of you that are lucky enough to do so). The Mountain Goats is pretty much one guy: John Darnielle; who is extremely prolific. As such, they are the type of band that has so many albums, it is hard to know where to begin. I began with Tallahasee, and I certainly won't be ending with Tallahassee. The Mountain Goats' music is of the mostly acoustic, singer-songwriter style, however, the lyrical content sets it apart from most of that which constitutes the singer-songwrite realm these days. There is an element of the lyrics that makes it all seem very 'real'. Darnielle doesn't seem to be mincing words... he calls it as he sees it, though in a lot of instances, I am still to determine what he is referring to. Track number 7, No Children, is my favourite thus far. Maybe I have it all wrong. I don't know. I do know, however, that I took a chance on The Mountain Goats, and I have been rewarded soundly.
Check Out:
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8:46 AM
Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy (2005)
I bought Okkervil River's Black Sheep Boy some months ago, and have been somewhat reluctant to write about it ever since. Originally I thought I didn't want to write about it, because it seemed I had been let in on a secret that was too good to share. However, it soon became apparent that I didn't want to write about it because I was afraid. Afraid of what, you ask? Afraid of writing about something of which I am so in awe of. I know that the whole point of this exercise is to let you know about music that I have been enjoying, but this is different. I have listened to Black Sheep Boy innumerable times since I picked it up almost four months ago - I am currently listening to it for the second time today - and it continues to blow me away with every listen. It is a collection of 11 songs based around the fictional Black Sheep Boy, a character created by the band's extremely talented songwriter, Will Sheff (by way of 60's folk singer, Tim Hardin), whose lyrical imagery is often off-putting in its depth and beauty. With instrumentation including acoustic and electric guitar, pedal steel, wurlitzer, pump organ, mandolin, bass, drums, along with a number of other instruments, Okkervil River have created an album that not only mines the rich vein of music loosely termed as Americana, but also an album that stands alone as an underground classic in its own right. With my limited writing ability, I am unable to do this this album the justice it deserves, so I implore you to go out and listen to it for yourself. I dare say you will not be disappointed.
Check Out:
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8:41 AM
The Books - Lost and Safe (2005)
Perhaps to understand The Books, it is important to understand the concept of "mind races." All of you shoud be familiar with mind races, however, you may know them by a different name, or no name at all. Mind races are what happen to you late on Sunday night, as you lie in bed, thoughts of the week ahead inter-mingling with strange flashbacks and distorted, almost ethereal, recollections of the drunken night(s) before. Random images, sounds, thoughts bouncing around your head as you lie in the state that is not asleep, but not really awake either. It is a strange state of being, one that is not quite real, but that is deeply rooted in reality. The Books music is perfect mind races music. It comprises of softly played instrumentation, mixed with electronic bips & bleeps, and a variety of strange, sound bytes. In many of the songs, random pieces of dialogue from varying strange sources are incorporated into the music, over which, the lead singer sings in his hushed, almost computer-like vocal, echoing the same words. The dialogue ranges from upbeat to quite bizarre at times. Confused? Lost and Safe is probably not everyone's cup of tea, but it is great, chilled out music, to fill up your head space, when you need something a little off kilter to keep you on the level.
Check Out:
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8:39 AM
Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy Appendix (2005)
What's this? The same album twice? Of course not. Don't get me wrong, I like it enough to write about it twice, however, I hardly assume that you have the time to read the same thing twice. Besides, you're either at work - and no one wants to use their brain at work, or at home - and there is probably some crap reality show starting in a couple of minutes. Black Sheep Boy Appendix is made up of songs recorded at the same time as the original album, that were not included on said album. So - you're thinking - another band cashing in by releasing a mini-album of second-rate songs that weren't good enough to make it on a real album. How wrong you are! I really have no idea how Okkervil River have managed it, but these songs are equal, if not greater than, those which are included on the album proper. The songwriting is full of amazing imagery, with the same themes carried across both releases. It is not just the songwriting that impresses, though, it is also the impassioned playing of those songs that blows me away every time. If you've got the funds, I would recommend doing as I did, and buying both the album and mimi-album at the same time. If you are lucky enough to live in England, Virgin/EMI will be re-releasing both in a single package.
Check Out:
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8:34 AM
The Hold Steady - Separation Sunday (2005)
Time for some question and answer:
Q - Who likes rock'n'roll?
A - Who doesn't like rock'n'roll?
Q - Who likes bands that reference the Bones Brigade in the first song of their album?
A - A reference to the Bones Brigade in any song on the album kicks arse!
Q - Who likes songs that deal in everything from suburban boredom and religious symbolism to drugs and alcohol and hoodrat friends - wrapping it all together into some pretty smart wordplay?
A - You mean lyrics like: "I guess I've heard about original sin / I heard the chick blamed the dude / I heard the chick blamed the snake / I heard they were naked when they got busted / I heard things ain't been the same since." Or how about: "She said we didn't go to Dallas / because Jackie Onassis said it ain't safe for Catholics yet / Think about what they did to Kennedy / And think about his security / Then think what they'll do to you and me"
Q - Who likes singers that kind of sing-talk-testify, over the top of a rollicking, good-time rock'n'roll sound, incorporating drums, guitars, keys and the occasional horn?
A - Guilty.
Q - Well, if you like all of those things, you must love the Hold Steady's album Separation Sunday.
A - That is more a statement than a question, but, yes! With tracks like Hornets! Hornets!, Stevie Nix, Chicago Seemed Tired Last Night," and How A Crucifiction Really Feels - what's not to like. It is a damn fine album. Sure to put a smile on your face.
Check Out:
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8:31 AM
The Drones @ Spaceland - Los Angeles - February 17, 2006
With the fine album - Wait Long By The River And The Bodies Of Your Enemies Will Float By (see below) - under their belt, and reports of an awesome live show, it was with rather high expectations that I made my way to Spaceland on an unseasonably cold Friday night. While playing to sold-out crowds in Australia, The Drones are yet to make their mark on the U.S.. However, if what I witnessed on Friday night was any indication of their greatness, 2006 should be their year. The Drones took to the stage looking like those misfit kids at school with whom you secretly wanted to be friends, but who were always far too intimidating to approach. I'm not sure how to describe their music, other than calling it rock'n'roll. Think a drunken fight on a leaky boat between Nick Cave and Sonic Youth (with the Bad Seeds drunkenly cheering along), and you're somewhere to understanding The Drones (or maybe further away than ever before). The Drones don't play, so much as attack each song. Gareth Liddiard - lead singer/guitarist - leading the band with a menacing swagger. He and fellow guitatist, Rui Pereira, extrapolating inhuman howls and screeches from their respective instruments, all the while backed by the pounding rythm section of Fiona Kitschin (bass) and Mike Noga (drums). Tonight the band tear through a fifty-minute set, with an awesome rendition of Shark Fin Blues, and a closing track (whose name I don't know) that lasted close to ten minutes and left me virtually speechless by its was so damn goodness (I was at the show by myself, so its hard to say whether or not I would have been speechless had I actually had someone to talk to).
The Drones are an awesome band, who I have no doubt, will continue to blow audiences away. Luckily, you don't have to take my word for it, if you're living in Melbourne or London, the band are playing both of your fair cities in the next few weeks. Check out the Shows section at to find out where they'll be... and get there. While you're there, you can check out the video to Shark Fin Blues in the Video section.
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8:12 AM
Nov 29, 2006
The Drones - Wait Long By The River And The Bodies Of Your Enemies Will Float By (2005)
I recently watched Martin Scorcese’s excellent Bob Dylan documentary, “No Direction Home,” in which, a young Dylan tells a press conference that he makes music, not because he wants to, but because he has to. On their latest album, Wait Long By The River And The Bodies Of Your Enemies Will Float By, The Drones sound like a band that make music not because they want to, but because - like Dylan - they have to. There is something primal locked inside them, urgent tearing and screaming to escape, and the only way they can release it, is through their music. With two guitars, bass, drums, and front man Gareth Liddiard’s vocals, The Drones make music that sounds saturated in blood, sweat and booze. Shark Fin Blues, the album’s scorching opening track, tells the story of a ship, sinking into shark infested waters. The narrator of the story, sinking with the ship, ready to accept his grisly fate. The guitars on this track sound more like they are being fought than played. The vocals, desperate. Liddiard’s ability to alternate between quiet rumination to wild howling, are never better exemplified. Having been compared to other like-minded Australians like Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, The Drones are not afraid to explore the darker regions of the human psyche. Another standout track, is the haunting Locust, which begins with the quiet tinkling of a piano, and ends in a wash of guitar distortion and feedback. In between, the song’s narrator tells of a small Australian town, opening proceedings with the lyric “Georgie, I can’t stop drinking / Seems like everytime I do, I can’t stop thinking.” A town with a dark past, where racism, suicide and alcoholism run through the streets like a river. Wait Long By The River And The Bodies Of Your Enemies Will Float By, is a dark, ominous listen, and along with your favourite bottle of whisky, is a perfect companion for those days when life itself is dark and ominous.
Check Out:
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10:08 AM
Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise (2005)
Simply in its ambition and scope, Illinoise is quite an achievement. Sufjan Stevens, a relatively new player in the folk/pop genre, has set out to make 50 albums, each dedicated to one of the 50 continental United States. This album, following the first installment of Michigan, is the second of the series that could see Stevens’ recording albums for a very, very long time to come.Judging by the quality of this effort, this could only be a good thing. Even if you don’t particularly like his music, you have to respect Stevens’ talent. The album contains an extensive twenty-two tracks, all written and arranged by Stevens, with many featuring choral and orchestral parts. The subject matter ranges from Al Capone to Superman (The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts), from the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln, to The Seer’s Tower. Perhaps the strangest, and most oddly touching moment of the album, comes in the form of the song John Wayne Gacy, Jr., about the serial killer who raped, murdered and buried the bodies of more than thirty men under his house, in the Chicago area during the 1970s. Grim subject matter, indeed, however Stevens manages to paint his subject in a light that suggests he was indeed troubled, but perhaps only a little more than the average person. Towards the end of the song, Stevens sings “And in my best behaviour / I am really just like him / Look beneath the floorboards / For the secrets I have hid.” It may take you a while to get your head around this, and many of the other songs on “Illinoise,” such is the complexity of the songs that Stevens creates. I have had the album for quite some time now, and continue to find something new with each listen. I must admit, though, that it is one album that I rarely, if ever, listen to from start to finish. Perhaps, simply because of the sheer magnitude of it, it is an album that is more easily digestible in smaller doses, rather than as a whole.
Check Out:
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9:58 AM
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Self Titled (2005)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah have been one of the most talked about bands in music circles this year, having sold almost thirty thousand copies of this, their first album, without any record company assistance, or for that matter, any marketing or advertising. There’s has been a word-of-mouth phenomenon that began in their hometown of Brooklyn, New York, spread like wildfire across the USA, and has now reached as far afield as Australia and the UK. An awesome achievement for any band. Obviously, it was not long before the hype train was fully fired up, and with hype, comes a great deal of scepticism. Is the music any good? In our humble opinion, yes it is. Think of a half-way point between Talking Heads and New Order, with vocals that at times sound like David Byrne (who has championed the band), at others like a cat being strangled (but in a good way). It will probably be the vocals that will divide people, as the music itself is extremely catchy and very likeable. The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth, which has been receiving rather extensive air time both here and abroad, is one of the stand out tracks of 2005. Other noteworthy tracks on the album include Details Of The War, and the album’s closer, Upon This Tidal Wave Of Young Blood. With somewhat ambiguous lyrics, I am still yet to decipher what it is that lead singer, Alec Ounsworth, is singing about, but for the most part, it doesn’t seem to matter. Along with the guitars, drums and warm washes of synthesizer, his voice at times seems to simply be another instrument, as opposed to being the main focus of the song. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah have one of the coolest names in music at the moment, and with their infectious pop melodies and unique vocal stylings, have one of the coolest releases of 2005.
Check out:
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9:31 AM
Nov 28, 2006
New Buffalo - The Last Beautiful Day (2004)
The Last Beautiful Day, recently released in America via the Arts & Crafts International label (previously released in Australia in 2004 via Dot Dash) is a wonderful slice of quirky, sublime pop. Essentially a one-woman show, Sally Seltmann wrote, recorded and produced all of the songs on the album, with a little help from the likes of Beth Orton - who sings backing vocals on one track - and the Dirty Three's Jim White - who provides drums on three of the albums ten songs. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is about the Last Beautiful Day that makes it such a joy to listen to. On tracks, such as the slow burning Come Back, Seltmann's voice is at once fragile and beautiful, with the quiet guitar accompaniment lending the song a certain poignancy. Elsewhere, the combination of live instrumentation with programmed beats and loops add a complexity to the songs that is always subtle, in keeping with the understated elegance of the album On the uplifting It'll Be Alright, when Seltmann tells us just that, it is impossible not to believe her. The Last Beautiful Day is a fully realized, left-of-center pop delight that delivers something new to the listener with each spin.
Check Out:
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10:35 AM
The Casanovas - The Casanovas (2004)
If it is rock you want, then it is rock you shall have! Hailing from Melbourne Rock City, The Casanovas carry on a tradition that can be traced all the way back to the first chords Angus Young strummed on AC/DC's classic first album, High Voltage. The Casanovas bring the same unabashedly rock'n'roll riffery that causes audiences the world to bow down and give thanks at the altar of all things rock. With song titles such as Livin' In The City, No Time For Love, and the awesome, Shake It, when it comes to The Casanovas, what you see is what you get: high octane, good time, balls to the wall rock'n'roll. Released in Australia in 2004 on the ever great Rubber Records, with a recent release in America via IRock, The Casanovas self-titled debut establishes them as purveyors of some of the finest rock riffs on offer at this point in time, with a firm grasp on the rock'n'roll torch that burns eternal. The albums closing track, 10 Outta 10, while a perfect summation of the album as a whole, is already a live favorite, and has a sing-a-long chorus that begs to be played at ear splitting levels. Consider yourself warned.
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10:27 AM
Gogol Bordello - Gypsy Punks Underdog World Strike (2005)
Should you ever be passing through old London town, be sure to drop in on my old friend Charlie Farmer, and thank him for introducing us to Gogol Bordello. If you have ever wondered what a Ukranian gypsy playing raucous punk rock in a New York basement might sound like - and if we are being honest, who hasn't? - look no further. This album is brilliant. The way it fuses traditional gypsy instruments with a punk rock aesthetic is reminiscent of The Pogues at their shambolic best - that is if Shane McGowan had been born in eastern Europe, as opposed to Ireland. As Charlie originally told me, this album never fails to bring a smile to your face. With song titles such as Think Locally, Fuck Globally the album has a revolutionary zeal to it, that while tackling serious issues, is never overly earnest. Start Wearing Purple is one of the stand out tracks on the album; a manic sing-a-long that will have you jigging wildly around the room. So if you have been feeling a little sluggish of late, throw Gogol Bordello into your stereo, and as you gleefully shout the chorus to Undestructable, remember, there isn't much that is legal that can make you feel this good.
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10:15 AM
Hilltop Hoods - The Calling (2003)
Observing the Australian music scene from afar for the past few years, I have realized that Australia truly does produce world-class music that is, more often than not, criminally overlooked - both at home and abroad. Which brings me to The Hilltop Hoods. I know what you're thinking, and believe me, I had the same mis-givings: hip-hop with an Australian accent... it just doesn't sound right. Oh, but it does, my friends, it does. It has taken me quite some time to come around to the Aussie hip-hop scene, but with this album, The Hilltop Hoods have finally legitimized that very scene. Released at the end of 2003, purchased by me at the start of 2005 (and subsequently played to death), this album is - for lack of a better adjective - the shit! The beats hit hard and the rhymes - always on point - are full of distinctly Australian wordplay, without pandering to any lame stereotypes. With lyrics like "Oi, Suffer you can't sing/ Yeah I can barely hum a tune/ But I'll make this place bounce like bed springs on a honeymoon", the Hilltop Hoods are sure to get any party jumping. For my mind, the stand out tracks are Testimonial Year (raise them beers), Dumb Enough, and The Nosebleed Section. I know there will be plenty of doubters out there, but give the Hoods a chance, and soon enough, you will be following their Calling.
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10:08 AM
Stars - Set Yourself On Fire (2004)
What are they putting in the water in Canada? How is it that so many cool bands keep popping up there? Broken Social Scene, The Dears, The Arcade Fire... and now Stars. Set Yourself On Fire was released in 2004 on the Arts & Crafts label (home also to Broken Social Scene), however, I have only recently discovered it. The opening track - Your Ex-Lover Is Dead - sets the stage for what is an album of wonderfully lush rock-pop songs. The vocal duties on the album are shared by Torquil Campbell (a guy) and Amy Milan (a girl) - both of whom have soft, warm voices that touch you in all the right places. With horns and washes of New Order-esque keyboards and computer bips and bleeps filling out the standard guitar, bass, drums line-up, Set Yourself Is On Fire is anything but a standard album. The lyrical content, like any great pop album, addresses matters of the heart most closely - and to read the lyrics alone, all seems like some beautiful poetry, cut-and-pasted straight from the human psyche onto paper. The album will lift you up and carry you along for the entirety of its 13 tracks. Calendar Girl - the album's final track - will leave you warm and fuzzy and wanting more. Its all about staying alive.
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10:05 AM
Prefuse 73 - Surrounded By Silence (2005)
I think we can all agree on one thing: the state of mainstream hip-hop in 2005 is shaky at best, unlistenable at worst. I don't want to name check any of the main offenders -mostly through fear of retaliatory shootings - however, it is safe to say that the time has come for us to look for good hip-hop outside of the mainstream. One player who has been making waves in the underground scene in the USA, is a gentleman by the name of Prefuse 73 (a/k/a Guillermo Scott Herren). Surrounded By Silence is an awesome - if not always easily accessible - album. If you are a fan of DJ Shadow's Endtroducing, then chances are you will like this album. The beats are chopped up all over the place, the cut and paste sampling is on point, and a good deal of the production work is quite mind-blowing. The album is a mix of instrumental and vocal tracks - probably the coolest thing about the album is the line-up of MCs that put down rhymes. Prefuse 73 has pulled together some of the best known names in hip-hop (Wu-Tang Clan's Ghostface Killa, GZA & Masta Killa) and paired them with today's underground heroes (El-P, Aesop Rock - both from the Definitive Jux label). The combination works extraordinarily well. The highlight track for me is Hide Ya Face, which features both Ghostface and El-P throwing down. With 21 tracks in all, Surrounded By Silence is not always an easy listen - if you want verse-verse-chorus-verse, look elsewhere - but it is some of the most imaginative and forwarding thinking music put to wax recently, and is ultimately a rewarding listen.
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10:00 AM
The Herbaliser - Take London (2005)
If Surrounded By Silence (Prefuse 73) isn't the type of hip-hop that you'd put on to get the party started, then Take London most certainly is. With phat beats, razor-sharp rhymes and a heavy dose of the funky stuff, The Herbaliser will have your head nodding and your feet moving. Hailing from the U.K., The Herbaliser is a production team that combine the best elements of hip-hop, soul and funk, to produce a sound you'll want to revisit again and again. Similar to Prefuse 73, The Herbaliser recruit a slew of guest MCs to add rhymes to their rock solid productions, and they also divide the tracks between vocals and instrumentals. My only qualm with the album, is that the sequencing sometimes leads an up-beat vocal track into a slow grooving instrumental, which seems to upset the flow slightly, however, this is a small gripe. The highlight tracks for me are Generals, which features six MCs throwing down on the one track and never fails to get increase my heart beat (particularly when I'm doing my best B-Boy impression on those LA freeways); Lord, Lord, which features the inimitable Roots Manuva ('nuff said); and Gadget Funk, which is an electro-funk jam that is sure to have your bootie shaking. All in all, The Herbaliser is a quality album that should appeal to hip-hop heads and the casual listener alike.
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9:56 AM
Toby Burke - Winsome Lonesome (2004)
It's a cold Sunday afternoon in the middle of winter. A bitter wind is blowing across the city and ominous dark clouds have gathered above. A heavy rain begins to to fall. Now is no time to be out walking the streets... Its a good thing, then, that myself and three of my closest friends have found our way into the warmth and comfort of this inner-city pub. There is a woodfire burning, and, luckily, the beer in our glasses is as cold as the weather outside. Sure, it may be ugly out there, but we're in here - at least until we have to stumble home at closing time. The barman puts an album on behind the bar. I catch his eye, and he nods at me - almost as if he knows something that I don't. I return to conversation with my friends, which continues, as before, with hazy recollections of the night before. At first I don't notice it, as it quietly provides the soundtrack to our boozy afternoon, however, it soon becomes impossible for me to ignore the sweet music that is falling from the speakers around the pub. Quietly strummed acoustic guitars; simple arrangements; a soft, smoky vocal; a harmonica here; a piano there. I sit back and let the music wash over me in warm waves. Suddenly, I am violently shaken - apparently it is my round. As I approach the bar, I listen to the instrumental track playing and am struck by its quiet beauty. Standing at the bar I ask for four beers, and "Who is this on stereo?" The bartender gives me the same knowing nod that he had given me earlier. "Toby Burke. He's from Melbourne. The album's called Winsome Lonesome." I tell him I like the title. "Great music..." he says. A smile crosses my face as I nod my head in agreement.
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9:44 AM
Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks (1975)
If you have recently broken up with someone, or have recently been broken up with, or simply remember the soul-destroying, life-changing, cold-sweat-inducing pain of having your heart broken, Blood On The Tracks is an album you must own. In fact, Blood On The Tracks is an album you must own regardless. Many before me have written about this album, and with good reason. It is quite possibly the best break-up album ever - not to mention one of Dylan's best. Written and recorded following a painful separation from his wife, Sara, in 1974, Blood On The Tracks is full of heart ache, pain and spiteful recriminations, just like any good end to a relationship. Songs such as Tangled Up In Blue show Dylan's unsurpassed skills as a songwriter, while Idiot Wind could have only been spawned from a bitter, thwarted heart. If you have never felt the sting of losing someone you loved, listen to If You See Her, Say Hello and you will know what it means to have loved and lost. Most importantly, though, Blood On The Tracks is an amazing collection of songs that should be a part of your collection.
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9:27 AM
Ryan Adams & The Cardinals - Cold Roses (2005)
It is no secret that I am quite fond of Ryan Adams. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time I had drunkenly threatened someone with violence unless they promised to purchase Heartbreaker (Adams' brilliant 2000 solo debut, which will be covered in a later issue - though, if you don't already own a copy, your lucky I'm not drunk right now), I would be a wealthy man. There is a fine line between passion and belligerence - a line that is often blurred in my mind's eye. The last couple of years have seen some releases that, while still of a good quality, have not been up to the (ridiculously) high standard Adams set for himself with his earlier solo albums and the music he made with the now legendary, Whiskeytown. As such it brings a big, stupid looking grin to my face to say that Ryan is well and truly back. Cold Roses is a brilliant double album that echoes the sound of Whiskeytown and Adams' rootsier beginnings. The music is great and the songwriting sees Ryan back to his best. It has a nice, country-flavoured tinge, though not in a lame Garth Brookes way (sorry Garth). It is a very accessible album with great songs, and would be a great place to start if you are yet to add Ryan to your collection. There a number of very fine songs on both discs. The final track on the first disc is titled How Do You Keep Love Alive - well, releasing more albums like this is a bloody good start. Welcome back.
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9:24 AM
The National - Alligator (2005)
Don't you hate it when you find an album that is so good that you want to tell all your friends about it, yet you're unable find the appropriate words to describe just how good it is. Brooding, melancholic, self-deprecating, pretty bloody amazing. So many adjectives, and yet there lies a place for all of them. Lines - sung with tongue firmly in cheek - such as "I used to be carried in the arms of cheerleaders" or "This time the motorcade will have to go around me, because God is on my side" make this album an great one. The National have been quietly going about their business as a five piece band, living in Brooklyn, for a few years and a couple of releases now. They have thus far managed to fly under the musical radar, however, it looks like 2005 will be their year to shine - that is, if there is any justice in the world. The songs vary from slow, brooding gems to straight up rockers - with much in between - all of which are very cool. Lyrically, The National display significant talent, with storytelling abilities to match those of the songwriting greats, while the music serves to create a moving, moody canvas for the stories to be painted on. The album is awesome from the first listen, however, the more you listen the better it gets. There is so much going on that you find something new each time. It really is very good.
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9:19 AM
The Pernice Brothers - Overcome By Happiness (1998)
My plan, originally, was to tell you all about the fantastic new album from The Pernice Brothers - Discover A Lovelier You (2005). However, each time I try, I find myself smiling giddily, as I recall the first time I heard the Pernice Brothers' first album - Overcome By Happiness; the first time I saw Joe Pernice play live (February 20th, 1999); which was, coincidentally, the first and only time I asked him for his discarded water bottle at the end of the show (yes... quite strange). To say that Overcome By Happiness changed my life may be a little over the top, but that's not to say it isn't true. I'm not afraid to say that it is some of the prettiest music my 19-year-old ears had ever heard - and still is to this day. Probably my favourite track from the album, All I Know is a beautiful, melancholic number, that seems to hold a mirror up to the inner-workings of the (broken) human heart, and always manages to bring with it a strange sense of comfort. It was Overcome By Happiness that taught me that it is okay to be sad sometimes - because there is a true beauty that comes from within sadness. It is a great album to keep you company when you need a little 'you' time away from the world. In my humble opinion, it is simply an amazing album - not suited to all occasions, but perfect for the occasions to which it is.
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9:17 AM
The Arcade Fire - Funeral (2004)
Here in America, there has been much talk of the Arcade Fire during the first half of 2005, and I, like any good sceptic, was concerned that they would not be able to live up to the hype surrounding them. As such, I held off on buying their album - Funeral - for as long as possible. Don't make the same mistake I did. This is an awesome album from this band from Canada. The sound is full, rocking and up-lifting. Guitars, drums, piano, violin, xylophone, synth, accordian, horns, harp - see... full. Track no. 7 - Wake Up - will have you jumping around the room, very possibly covered in goosebumps - definitely with a smile on your face. You would have to have a heart of stone and a soul of ash to not be picked up and driven along by this collection of songs.
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9:16 AM
Tom Waits - Bone Machine (1992)
For those of you that know me, will know that I have had a love affair with Mr. Waits that has run for almost five years now - and shows little sign of letting up. Bone Machine marks the fourteenth Tom Waits album in my collection, and I now found myself wondering why it has taken me so long to own it. Released on Island Records in 1992, I believe it is one of the great man's best (not that I like to choose favourites). It is the perfect mix of Waits' more eccentric leanings, and the slower balladry that so many love him for. I think it is probably his most accessible album since things took a strange, but cool, turn on Swordfishtrombones. Whether you like 70's TomWaits ot 80's Tom Waits (or have no idea what the difference is), Bone Machine is a fanastic album for those familiar with him, or a great starting point for those not yet fortunate enough to have Tom Waits in the life. Guests on the album include Les Claypool from Primus and Keith Richards.
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9:15 AM
Architecture In Helsinki - In Case We Die (2005)
If you like your pop in the vein of Pet Sounds (for those of you who don't know - and I hope there aren't many of you - Pet Sounds is the Brian Wilson led Beach Boys classic), and definitely to the left of centre, you will like In Case We Die. Don't be fooled by the somewhat dark title - there is an underlying happiness to these songs, that at times will have you bouncing around the room - or perhaps it is isimply I who bounces around the room. Some songs, such as Do The Whirlwind, are just down right funky. Any band that includes instruments such as a sytar, cello, bassoon, guitar, drums, tuba, marimba, vibraphone, and hand and power tools is alright by me. The fact that there is a theremin in there as well, is just the icing on the cake - really nice icing.
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9:14 AM
The Dears - No Cities Left (2004)
Some reviewers have likened the Dears (from Canada) to the Smiths. Never having listened to much of the Smiths, I'm not really in a position to comment. When I listen to the Dears, I hear hints of Pulp and Mercury Rev - though I also hear a band with a sound all their own. Lead singer, Murray Lightman, has an amazing voice. It conveys equal parts power and despair. The songs are all great, for me, however, track no. 3 - Lost In The Plot - is a classic. I told my friend, Tim, earlier this year that it would probably be the best song I hear in 2005 - I'm sticking to my story, although the Arcade Fire are trying their best to prove me wrong. I saw the Dears play a few weeks ago in LA, and after having heard the intricacies of some of the songs on their album, I was worried that they may not be able to pull off their sound in the live setting. Not to worry - they were awesome.
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9:08 AM