If I was to be completely honest, I would have to say, that for a lot of the time, the world is not a very nice place to be: Our political leaders seem intent on taking us to the brink of an all-out World War in the Middle East; from Iraq to Sudan, and beyond, thousands of innocent victims are being killed in conflicts into which they have been unwillingly drawn; environmental pollution and global warming continue to grow at an alarming rate; and we live in cities where it is considered strange behaviour for humans to acknowledge eachother with a smile.
However, as Cloud Cult's lead-singer, Craig Minnowa, sings on The Meaning of 8's, Purpose - "There must be purpose here / 'cause most of us keep waking up... / There must be healing here / 'cause everybody here's been damaged" - we cannot abandon all hope.
Indeed while acknowledging that there is much sadness in the world, Cloud Cult also acknowledge that there is also much to celebrate. Their sadness is often expressed as celebration, such as on the amazing track, Your 8th Birthday, which celebrates the life of Minnowa's son, Kaidin, who tragically died at the age of two, six years ago. Cloud Cult are adept at finding the lessons buried deep within our sadness, in transcending that sadness and using it as a tool to create music that is both up-lifting and life-affirming.
This album is not officially released until April 10th, however, if you go to http://www.cloudcult.com/ you can order the album immediately (anywere in the world). It is only early in 2007, however, I am quite sure that this album will feature close to the top in my year-end list of favourites.
Check out: http://www.myspace.com/cloudcult
Mar 16, 2007
Cloud Cult - The Meaning Of 8 (2007)
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10:09 AM